Bid Protests of Government Contracts: Good for Business or Relationship Killers?

Are bid protests good for business, or are they relationship killers? How many bid protests is too many? That was the title of my award-winning article, which covered the unprecedented “ban” by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) of an extremely enthusiastic contractor who volley-fired more than two-thousand bid protests (yes, you read that correctly). GAO […]

Understand Debriefings to Win More Government Contracts

Did you just lose a government contract competition? You need to ask for a debriefing! That’s your chance to learn why you lost and how you can win next time! This article is from the government’s perspective, but contact for expert advice for your situation. Source selections always carry the risk of litigation.  The bad […]

Pay Attention to Important Terms and Definitions in Government Contracts

Sticks and Stones: How Words and Terms of Art Can Hurt the Contracting Profession.  Pay attention to important terms and definitions in government contracts. The misuse of words and terms in the contracting profession can be detrimental, as contract interpretation turns on minute differences in terminology and definitions. Thus, it is important to know how […]

How Many GAO Bid Protests of Government Contracts is Too Many?

GAO’s Recent One-Year Ban of a Frequent Protestor Spurs Debate over the GAO Bid Protest Forum and Its Authority After a remarkable decision rendered by the Government Accountability Office (GAO),[i] there’s a buzz in the air about bid protests—and it’s at a fever pitch. For the first time ever, GAO chose to ban a protestor […]
